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Vispala Technologies exhibits a range of Orthotic and Prosthetic products at OPAI Conference in Goa

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

The 26th NATIONAL CONFERENCE of the ORTHOTICS & PROSTHETICS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (OPAI) was recently held in Panjim Convention Centre, Goa, from 28th -30th March 2022.

OPAI brings together leading academic scientists, researchers, and companies to share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Prosthetics and Orthotics. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for companies and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the fields of Prosthetics and Orthotics.

At the OPAI conference, Vispala Technologies, a leading manufacturer of advanced orthotics and prosthetics products, introduced iGrip, a motorized prosthetic hand; an elbow joint; and unveiled its central fabrication services.

Meeting students and faculties from all over the world was encouraging to us and the kind of response Vispala received was overwhelming. Many delegates, clinicians, users, and innovators visited our stall and applauded its innovative product quality and ergonomic features.

Mr. Rajib Choudhury, Vispala Head of Marketing said, Vispala is focusing on developing countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East to market its products. The reason behind focusing on this market is that the majority of people living in these countries cannot afford currently available Prosthetic and Orthotics devices and other supporting products. Vispala has identified this need, and is serving people of these regions with affordable solutions".

Mr. Dipak Basu, CEO of Vispala stated -

"We participated in OPAI for the first time. It was the perfect venue to meet different companies, discuss the market situation, exchange points for development, examine other companies’ products, and most importantly, meet current and potential customers. At this event, the tour goal was to explain our new products in as much detail as possible and show customers technical details and innovativeness of our offerings.”

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